Because the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 is coming closer, I’ve decided to write a post about this. I don’t like the fact that the juries are usually morons and that most of the tele-voting is done on a “we like this country the most”, rather than “we like this song the most”. This year, forty songs (and countries) will compete, 17 in the first semi-final (on May 10th), 18 in the second one (May 12), and the Big Five will get straight to the Final, along ten of the best-ranked songs in each of the two semi-finals.

I’ve made a playlist with the participating songs, at least the ones that have been selected so far, as most of them should be selected by mid-March. Under the playlist you’ll see the songs that I consider to be my favourites (or least).

The playlist, for convenient listening.

youtube • video ID: videoseries?list=PLcZ4HRHAd_-UxmZFxWoUkIykZiXPtNEU8

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The very good songs

Intelligent Music Project - Intention
Bulgaria 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤

The Bulgarians have hired a Dave Grohl clone to do a pop-ish Everlong. Great song from our neighbours.

youtube • video ID: HySI2igCcx4

click image to load player

Monika Liu - Sentimentai
Lithuania 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤

Smooth jazz meets pop and adds up to a silky sensual song. One of the best.

youtube • video ID: acya6UcJP1k

click image to load player

Zdob și Zdub & Advahov Brothers - Trenulețul (The Train)
Moldova 🎤 🎤 🎤

Eurovision veterans are back with a folklore-rock song, now with the help of the Advahov Brothers taraf. All of them wonderful musicians. The song itself is good, but still far away from their mega-hit “Boonika Bate Doba”.

youtube • video ID: bGNT5Uh-WKw

click image to load player

Kalush Orchestra – Stefania
Ukraine 🎤 🎤 🎤

Very good hip-hop mixed with ethnic motives. Seems like an eastern European motive in the last few years to return to folklore, and this is catchy. Fingers crossed for them.

youtube • video ID: foqgjD_SNss

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Subwoolfer - Give That Wolf A Banana
Norway 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤

This is why Eurovision was created. To bring out the craziest, catchiest, weirdest song, and put it in the spotlight. Six microphones, because it’s so meta, it might win.

youtube • video ID: FJjo8s3fKUM

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The Rasmus - Jezebel
Finland 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤

Great song, has a lot of potential. Also nice to see The Rasmus back in the spotlight, and I think Lauri Ylönen is a vampire, because he still looks like 16. Top 10 song for sure.

youtube • video ID: m33Gzhd5Yfw

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Andrea - Circles
North Macedonia 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤

Catchy song, great lyrics, Andrea’s voice is excellent, definitely a top 10 song.

youtube • video ID: SEDnvXHaBzE

click image to load player

Ochman - River
Poland 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤

One of the competition’s favourites this year, River is a strong song, taking advantage of Krystian’s great voice.

youtube • video ID: wh47vgUwInU

click image to load player

Malik Harris - Rockstars
Germany 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤

Germany comes with a strong pop song but doesn’t seem to be very different than 80% of the charts now. Maybe that’s their recipe for success.

youtube • video ID: D3FN2umFaM8

click image to load player

Mahmood & Blanco - Brividi
Italy 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤

The Sanremo winners have a very good sentimental song, but I’m not sure if it’ll appeal to the broad European audience. Top 5 for me, for sure.

youtube • video ID: MA_5P3u0apQ

click image to load player

Some other songs that I liked:

S10 - De Diepte - Netherlands 🎤 🎤 🎤
Good sound, good voice, I see it finishing somewhere in the first half. Youtube

Mia Dimšić - Guilty Pleasure - Croatia 🎤 🎤 🎤
Good easy pop, Mia’s voice is excellent. Definitely first half. Youtube

We Are Domi - Lights Off - Czech Republic 🎤 🎤 🎤
Good voice, great catchy pop song, but doesn’t strike me in particular. It’s a nice listen though

Reddi - The Show - Denmark 🎤 🎤 🎤
Good pop-rock song, nice addition with the piano, excellent effort from them.

Stefan - Hope - Estonia 🎤 🎤 🎤
Very good song, reminding of the old spaghetti western soundtracks. Also video is filmed where some western was taped 104 years ago.

What the fuck

Citi Zēni - Eat Your Salad - Latvia 🎤 🎤
That’s what you get when you water your salad with cocaine. Please stop.

Sheldon Riley - Not the Same - Australia 🎤 🎤
Just like their British colonialists, the Australians sent a good voice, but a shit song. Sad

2024 Edit: Apparently this was removed along with the entire account. This is what you get for making shit.

Michael Ben David - I.M - Israel 🎤
Great voice, started like a male version of Nina Simone’s “I’m Feeling Good”, and then turned to literally shit.

Achille Lauro - Stripper - San Marino 🎤
Achille had a good song, “Domenica” at Sanremo 2022. Somehow he decided to represent San Marino with this. Wtf Achille, go home, you’re not Måneskin.

Konstrakta - In Corpore Sano - Serbia 🎤
The voice is not bad, but it feels like Kraftwerk on very very very bad drugs. I know we’re during a pandemic, but this girl is washing her hands for 2 minutes. That’s not healthy.

WRS - Stripper - Romania 🎤
As usual, Romania avoided to host the show next year by choosing yet another bad song, feels like a 2022 Despacito, but in the bad way. I’m thinking top 5 (:

Ola mi bebebe
Llama me, llama me

I shit you not.