2023 was a pretty normal year. “Normal” doesn’t mean something uneventful, it just means “same shit, different day year”. The Earth is still here, aliens haven’t visited/invaded us, there have been no nukes fired (yet), and war is still raging in various places of the world. Some people preordered iPhone 15 Pro Max 1TB in seconds, others work 16-hour long shifts to afford a fistful of rice to feed their family. Ion Iliescu (93) is still alive, Joe Biden (81) as well, Shane MacGowan (65) and Matthew Perry (54) have gone to a better place, another proof that God doesn’t exist, or if He/She does, it’s a sadistic piece of shit who gives long and fruitful lives to scum. But I digress.

I don’t remember very big highlights that I’ve posted about on the site, but I did a lot of on-line and off-line stuff. I’ve visited some museums, did some Chrome browser extensions and also played a few games. I’ve re-discovered the first version of my personal website, made in 2002, bought a typewriter and I even cooked a bit. I’ve joined a few webrings and posted a lot of the collections I’ve gathered this year.

Usually in this section I’d dump links towards the best posts of the year, but the ones above are a good read. For the rest, I’ll let you scroll the everything archive and see what you like most.

2023 (change)
Posts 143 (+13)
Quickies 177 (+152)
Movies 243 (+81)
Records 125 (-16)
Concerts 22 (-1)
Gadgets 30 (-34)

I’ve expanded a bit the posts section with some more interesting bundles to feature series of posts. Think of them as multi-part articles, as they get very long sometimes.

I’ve also got very angry with myself, as I wanted to watch some movies and couldn’t find anything I really wanted to see out of my 500+ titles in the IMDb watchlist. So I started to prune it, removing the “interesting” titles and keeping only the “must watched”. This reduced the list to about 150 titles which I’ve seen in a couple of months, for a total of 229 for this year. I’ve also added a movie wall to easily find movies based on their type and rating.

In the records section, I was able to add 124 records this year, a bit fewer than last year, because I am too lazy to take photos and upload them. I sometimes do batches of more records (like I did with the about:berlin series). I also spent a lot of time to write, record and photograph the Fotodisc article, which is one of the best so far this year.

I’ve stopped buying too many gadgets this year, due to the lack of space (and might even sell a few next year, to free some space), but this year meant a lot of catching up in photographing and documenting some of the gadgets I already had for a while, but didn’t get to post.

I wish I could write about each concert I attended this year, but that might take me another year. Twenty two concerts, each of them very good, with its small place in my heart (and in the concerts section) for ever.

And after the success of the 365 Project, I started a 100 Themes - 100 Photographs challenge, which I didn’t finish, of course. It’s pretty hard to keep track of the themes I needed to shoot and then see if a photograph fits a particular theme. It was exhausting and pretty restrictive. So I stopped at 50 and next year I’ll do another 365.

Nerd alert!

Before the new year comes over us, let’s take a moment and talk about graphs! AGAIN!!!

Looking at the monthly graph, you can see the time when I went full on movie watching, averaging more than a movie per day. It also shows how my posting habits come in waves, every now and then changing focus from one thing to the other.

The weekly graph shows a generally flat curve, with a high on Mondays, because I sometimes write on Sunday evenings and publish past midnight or the morning after. You can also see that I usually watch movies during the weekends.

At the end of the article and the year, may 2024 find you with love in your heart.