A while ago I added the concerts I’ve attended to this page. It was quite a big work, as I had to change some technical things on the site. Getting the statistics data was pretty easy, as I’ve used these scripts on the other statistics pages I’ve done, Website statistics and IMDb ratings stats, so let’s get to the graphs.

Cover photo taken by me at RoadkillSoda & Alternosfera concert

Concerts by Day Of The Week

This graph looks weird because it gathers data from multiple periods of my life. Usually the events were reserved for weekends. But since 2015 or so, clubs started to organize concerts during weekdays, most likely to boost their Mon-Fri numbers. And it works.

Concerts by Year

This graph starts since 2015, because this is the oldest data I had available in the photos in my phone. 2016 was a pretty dead year for concerts, not sure exactly why. 2018 and 2019 were the ones where I started to go a lot more to concerts with friends. 2020 started nice, but then Covid happened. Now I’m slowly getting back on track.

Concerts by Month

Usually, the concerts are organized a lot during the colder months (fall to spring), and the summer is usually reserved for the festivals.


Ordered by the number of concerts attended. As you can see, I have some favourite bands and genres. More to come. The graph is howing only the ones with two or more concerts attended. The rest are below

Artists with two concerts:

Artists with one concert:


Other cities (one or two concerts):


Other venues (one or two concerts):