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IndieWeb Carnival > -- Introduction and Personal Roundup

IndieWeb Carnival
Introduction and Personal Roundup

2024-05-20 · 430 words · 3 mins read

The IndieWeb is a community of independent & personal websites connected by simple standards, based on the principles of: owning your domain & using it as your primary identity, publishing on your own site (optionally syndicating elsewhere), and owning your data.

Site Update > -- May 2024

Site Update
May 2024

2024-05-09 · updated on 2024-05-18 · 531 words · 3 mins read

“Do or do not. There is no try” — Yoda

Artist Spotlight > -- Thievery Corporation

Artist Spotlight
Thievery Corporation

2024-05-18 · 1324 words · 7 mins read

The land of the free built on slavery, her consciousness is in captivity. The promised land is in the lion’s den, tour culture of greed has got to end — Amerimacka

The Aerobatic Iakkers Open Training Day @ Aerodrom Banesti

The Aerobatic Iakkers Open Training Day @ Aerodrom Banesti

2024-05-11 · 335 words · 2 mins read

“The sky is not the limit, it’s just the beginning.”

The Creative Space Inside

The Creative Space Inside

2024-05-08 · 750 words · 4 mins read

Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought — Albert Einstein

Top 250 Films, An Unordered List of 288 Movies

Top 250 Films, An Unordered List of 288 Movies

2024-05-06 · 3368 words · 16 mins read

“My friends, I address you all tonight as you truly are; wizards, mermaids, travelers, adventurers, magicians… Come and dream with me.” — Ben Kingsley as Georges MĂ©liès in Hugo (2011)

Forty-six Seconds

Forty-six Seconds

2024-04-30 · 175 words · 1 min read
Got a this little present/puzzle from a dear friend of mine. Thank you very much!
Dev Tales > -- Software I Install On A New Mac

Dev Tales
Software I Install On A New Mac

2024-02-27 · updated on 2024-04-23 · 1173 words · 6 mins read

You can mass-produce hardware; you cannot mass-produce software - you cannot mass-produce the human mind. — Michio Kaku

Sibiu // Hermannstadt 2024 - The City of Traps

Sibiu // Hermannstadt 2024 - The City of Traps

2024-04-21 · 878 words · 5 mins read

The eyes, which are a symbol and a tourist attraction of the city, have given Sibiu the nicknames of The City with Eyes, The City Where Houses Don’t Sleep and the portmanteau Seebiu.

Timișoara 2024 - The Little Wien

Timișoara 2024 - The Little Wien

2024-04-08 · 2171 words · 11 mins read

And I want to do this not so much as a business, but because I love the city of Timisoara and its music. I consider myself a maniacal local patriot, but not out of subjectivity, but because I have a reason. We, here, have always been far above not only Bucharest, but also the rest of the country. — Emil Biebel

The World is Good Enough

The World is Good Enough

2024-04-03 · 403 words · 2 mins read

“It is not shortage of time that should worry us, but the tendency for the majority of time to be spent in low-quality ways.” - Richard Koch

Tenerife 2024 — Otra Vez

Tenerife 2024 — Otra Vez

2024-04-01 · 1639 words · 8 mins read
Puerto de la Cruz developed from a fishing village to the largest tourist center on Tenerife’s north coast. In contrast to the rather dry south coast, up here, a warm and most importantly humid climate prevails. This ensures particularly rich and varied vegetation.
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