You make him code.

So basically the new theme has a bit of updated design elements, but most important:

Removed the instant search in the menu.

While I really liked the functionality of that search feature, the results were limited and the JSON powering underneath was getting pretty big to load on each page load (even if cached). Now I’ve moved the search to a new page and expanded the JSON to include tags and post content.

Cleaned up the interface a bit.

There were a bit too many borders, too many lines, too many crammed spaces. As the title of a good design book said, White Space is Not Your Enemy (25MB, PDF), I’ve played around a bit with spacings, removed some borders or made them ligher, while increasing the number of items on the homepage in the Movies and Concerts sections.

Mobile tweaks.

It’s 2022 and people browse mostly on mobile phones, therefore I had to make a few adjustments when watching the site from a phone.

Photoshop panels.

While the width of the website is pretty fluid, after a breakpoint (1400 pixels in width) the content becomes fixed in width, and you see some photoshop mock panels. This is a not-so-subtle nod to my love for Adobe Photoshop and the 20+ years I have been using it. The panels idea and code were taken from the theme I had back like 12 years ago and thought they were a good addition.

However, when I ported them here, I removed the feature where the sidebar blocks panels’ visibility could be toggled individually from the layers panel, because I didn’t have a sidebar anymore. This was a bit beneficial, because I was saving those preferencess in a cookie. Moreover, in the last years, I’ve started to care more about the visitor’s privacy, and therefore I don’t set any browser cookies, nor do any Google Analytics tracking. So the “Layers” panel is gone.

The functionality to the “Tools” panel was restore, clicking the toggle button, makes it narrow, and clicking on the color buttons changes the theme site. I’m not very happy with how the theme swaps on page reloads, but I’m thinking on how to optimize that.

So I’ve re-coded this to work and save the appearance setting by using localStorage, which is a better solution, as all the data is saved in the visitor’s browers, and no data is passed to me, as I don’t track JS events on the page (or any events, for the matter)

Google Analytics & Tracking

While this is not changed and is implemented for a while now, there is no Google Analytics or any other analytics or tracking code installed. The only data that’s being collected is done with analog 6.0, and it’s limited to an aggregate of Number of hits per file, User Agent, IP class (IPs are anonimized to their B class -> a.b.0.0/16). This data is overwritten every month and is not shared with anyone else (except maybe for the moron Russian hacker that keeps looking for PHP files on a purely static HTML site).