the year is 2023. We don’t have flying cars, nor teleportation, nor cure for cancer. What we do have is a deep sense of nostalgia. Be it for typewriters, 1960s mini skirts, homes that look like the one from “2001: Space Odyssey”, old and fun commercials, retro computers and game consoles. It seems that, somehow, “new” has become just another word for “boring”.

In a modern world, we see how our hobbies got turned into someone’s business, how the things we like have become metadata, how enjoying time doing the things we like have become “user behavioral patterns”.

we are constantly being bombarded with information, and the time we used before to search for relevant things has been replaced with time spent filtering the junk that some algorithm thinks suits us.

and everything, everywhere, is the same. Bland homes, bland coffeeshops, same old crap on 500 million Instagram feeds. Averages replaced creativity and plain palettes replaced intricate patterns. we live in a minimalist world, with minimalist aspirations.

So whenever you feel like a drop in an ocean, remember you are more than that. grab a typewriter, put an old record on, look at the trees outside and disconnect.

Reconnect with yourself.

Go retro.