Because I managed to get a third batch of these photodiscs, I decided not to create an in-depth post about them, but to update the existing article. Here I will only feature the new photos and the new additions to the collection and the recording of these new discs posted separately, but you can find the entire collection in the main article.

To read only the new part of the article, go directly here

If you just want to hear and see the new recordings and photos, just keep scrolling.

February 13 Update

Today I managed to get another photodisc, ECF 44, Margareta Pîslaru – Chemarea Mării. I recorded it and added to this article, and I can say it’s pretty poppy, in all the word’s meanings.

Unknown Artist - Val De Argint

EPF 10

Marea Neagră — În Zori
Photo by: Dan Grigorescu

Margareta Pîslaru - Chemarea Mării

ECF 44

Vedere din Mamaia
Photo by: Alex. Florescu

Margareta Pîslaru - Cum E Oare?

ECF 47

Vedere din Mamaia
Photo by: Alex. Florescu

Aurelian Andreescu - În Tot Ce E Frumos Pe Lume

ECF 50

București: Piața Palatului R.P.R.
Photo by: Sandu Mendrea

Orchestra de muzică populară a Radioteleviziunii. Dirijor: Radu Voinescu, Voce: Lucreția Ciobanu - Pe Izvor, Pe Izvoraș

EPF 54

Peisaj cu izvor
Photo by: M. Vladu

Orchestra Radioteleviziunii. Dirijor: Victor Predescu, Voce: Maria Cornescu - Hăulita Gorjenească

EPF 65

Brâncuși: Masa Tăcerii
Photo by: Alex. Florescu