I was reflecting on how the things we build on the digital world seem to mirror what we build on the physical one. Big social media platforms are the metropolis: dense, busy, chaotic. They’re the place that never sleeps and there’s always something new going on.
I really like this point of view written by Manu, however I need to one-up on it. I feel that social media websites are not metropolis, they are the rotten, broken, dysfunctional megalopolis cities that we find in the Judgde Dredd universe. Facebook, X (or The Platform Formerly Known as Twitter), TikTok are places just like Mega-City One: over-populated, filled with criminals of all kinds, high-tech helping The Man not the little persons, corrupt and on the verge of collapse. Outside of it there’s nothing but deserted land, radiation, and a band of misfits living with the bare resources. And these guys are us, the little blogs, trying to make ends meet.