
Apples are back from the doctor!

Apples are back from the doctor!

The Apple gadgets are back from the service

  • iPhone 5s got a new battery
  • iPhone 6s got a new battery, new screen and lens cap
  • iPhone Xs got a new battery
  • Apple Watch got a new motherboard

Commodore SX-64

youtube • video ID: mAo9SVHRebA

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Aimer - Escalate (Nier: Automata Ver1.1a Opening Theme)

youtube • video ID: dW7uZMAVZe8

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Good morning, Nines

Good morning, Nines

NieR: Automata - Weight of the World

youtube • video ID: Dsk3DTdTY3Y

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Manu Chao - Me Llaman Calle

youtube • video ID: ZivK8PmxPWQ

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La revoltosa y tan perdida

Manu Chao - La Vida Tombola (Played for Diego Maradona)

youtube • video ID: A0KCbZ7L17I

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Si yo fuera Maradona viviría como él
Si yo fuera Maradona frente a cualquier portería
Si yo fuera Maradona nunca me equivocaría
Si yo fuera Maradona, perdido en cualquier lugar

French Cinema

Apart of about 10 titles, French cinema is either junk or erotic fantasies of obsessed people calling themselves directors.

Валентин Стрыкало - Наше лето // Valentin Strykalo - Nashe Leto (Our Summer)

youtube • video ID: VMS30oV8ApE

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Ялта, август

RIP James Earl Jones

RIP James Earl Jones

Linkin Park - The Emptiness Machine

youtube • video ID: SRXH9AbT280

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