
Ion Iliescu

Life is short. Make sure you spend as much time on the internet as possible arguing with strangers about politics.

youtube • video ID: a8c6HLGYiRk

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Lumea se intampla si n-ai de ales
E oare-a ta s-o visezi
E oare-a ta sa o crezi

youtube • video ID: D2C6_B_ux0Q

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Probably the best drum and bass Romanian song.

This is Norway’s contestant for Eurovision in 2022. So meta it’s great, might even win. Because other countries take the risk of going outside the box.

before that 🐺 eats my 👵, give that 🐺 a 🍌

youtube • video ID: FJjo8s3fKUM

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yum yum yum yum yum yum yum 🍌

youtube • video ID: m33Gzhd5Yfw

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The Rasmus? Eurovision? What year is this?

youtube • video ID: gdsUKphmB3Y

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Super Bowl LVI Pepsi Halftime Show featured Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent, Mary J Blige, Kendrick Lamar, and Eminem. All this with a spectacular choreography and a ton of excellent instrumentalists. And they say hip hop is dead.

youtube • video ID: vsiSORdhYpE

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youtube • video ID: eOZLDQm9c2E?start=4951

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youtube • video ID: oiL9ItjmHRw

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Oh Ariadne, I was coming, but I failed you in this labyrinth of my past
Oh Ariadne, let me sing you, and we’ll make each other last

youtube • video ID: zG-ptrlJ4pM

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And in the night, you hear me calling, you hear me calling
And in your dreams, you see me falling, falling

Nava Mamă - Ultimul sfârșit al lumii

youtube • video ID: 2HEdmERenJA

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Lumea tre’ să vadă
Lumea tre’ să creadă
Lumea o să urce
Și lumea o să cadă

Și, până la urmă, tu cine erai?

youtube • video ID: N4lPMBPLFWY

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