
youtube โ€ข video ID: fPIuhnOGs4g

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1st day

Not everyone has the chance to know exactly when their first day on the Internet was. I know.


This is me, smiling.

Back in the mid 90’s I was attending an after school IT programme, and was playing on a HC2000 (Romanian Spectrum ZX clone) a game similar to Bomberman. You were in a brown brick maze in a side-scrolling level, and you had to uncover the keys that would open the door to the next level. I remember you were chased by something similar to theater masks. I fondly recall the Q-A-O-P control scheme and how we connected the computer to a TV, as it had no monitor.

I am still looking for the game, and did find some things that feel close to it, but no cigar. The closest to it is Eric and the Floaters (youtube), but I still think it was a clone.

One vivid memory I still have from back then is that one day the teacher was late and we waited for her watching TV on the sets we used for computers (they were kept under lock and only she had the key), and that was the first time I saw “The Man Who Knew Too Much”, one of my favourite movies to the day.

youtube โ€ข video ID: QhcCYpx2V5o

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the boys

red alert 2

day out


youtube โ€ข video ID: hFgtIziShmc

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ipod touch server retired

After keeping it alive and online for 408 days, I’ve decided it’s time to retire the small iPod server and let it rest. After all, after more than a year, it’s earned some big achievements, getting more update than my home server. The last mirror of the server can be found here.

More info about the iPod Touch is in this series.

youtube โ€ข video ID: 7YqZWBAIcUY

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