
ion popescu gopo

Ion Popescu Gopo - May 1st 1923 - November 29 1989



First boss I ever tanked in LFR, Kurog Grimtotem one shot.


Can’t believe this gigachad photo is almost 20 years old.


post coming soon


youtube • video ID: 3UfVoE5Dahk

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trendy raw water

Trendy “raw water” source under bird’s nest sparks diarrheal outbreak

Nineteen people fell ill with a diarrheal disease in Montana last year after drinking untreated water that many believed to be from a natural spring but which was, in fact, just creek drainage brimming with pathogenic bacteria.


youtube • video ID: LssEFPHgjbQ

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Blizzard Store

Remember when people said Blizzard is going to die and become bankrupt in the amount of time a fart is going to smell? Well, they just released Overwatch Battle Pass for season two and the store servers crapped themselves so hard they needed a queue.

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