You know how the IMDb site doesn’t let you save a photo when you right click on it because it has some shit overlay? There’s a quick uBlock Origin rule to get rid of it.
by Andrei on
I needed to know which is the nth post of a certain post type in hugo. Just placed this code in my theme’s index.html file at the top and it just works:
and it outputs
1 - Placebo - A Place For Us To Dream
2 - Die Antwoord - $O$
3 - Santana - Supernatural
4 - Morcheeba - Fragments of Freedom
5 - Cliff Martinez - Drive (Soundtrack)
[ . . . ]
Of course, I could expand this into a shortcode, add some parameters, and so on, but for now it’s just fine.
by Andrei on
It seems I somehow got to 1500 posts on the site, excluding the quickies and the 365 project posts). The 1500th is the review of Natural City. That’s a cool number, I guess.
by Andrei on
Suddenly feminists are not complaining of women being excluded in that submarine voyage to the Titanic