
reddit place

another edition of r/place has come and gone. thank you for participating.

Some new old music players in the gadgets section, a cassette player and two Minidisc players:

Also there’s the a gadget post for the Generic Chinese Walkman I wrote about earlier in a post.


Greedy Google hiding under the name of four retards (Ben Wiser, Borbala Benko, Philipp Pfeiffenberger, Sergey Kataev) have decided to push onto their agenda a format of web-DRM, hidden under the moniker “Web Environment Integrity”.

If this isn’t nipped in the bud, the internet will cease to exist in a short time.

Fuck Google. Fuck Ben Wiser. Fuck Borbala Benko. Fuck Philipp Pfeiffenberger. Fuck Sergey Kataev.

PS: Oh, and let’s not forget, fuck Yoav Weiss the aforementioned’s janitor. Keep mopping the floor, bitch.

Some new old telephones in the gadgets section:

Some new gadgets in the gadgets section:

Some others coming soon.


Some new gadgets in the gadgets section:

Some others coming soon.

RIP Kevin Mitnick

Revered by many geeks, hated by many feds, Kevin Mitnick was the original hacker and now he’s gone to the next place. RIP.

rplace lol spez

After all the bad calls in the last weeks, what the fuck did they think it was going to happen?

(deck@steamdeck ~)$ whoami
(deck@steamdeck ~)$ uname -a
Linux steamdeck 5.13.0-valve36-1-neptune #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon, 19 Dec 2022 23:39:41 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

welp, whelp
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