
xmas 2023

Happy Holidays Olivetti

Stop being dicks to each other. Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Be the light you want to see in the world.

xmas cat

Bliss - Remember my name

youtube • video ID: HSS6kru5O9k

click image to load player

Thanks for the gift, Ann.

Lord With Castle Seeking Princess With Dragon

Lord With Castle Seeking Princess With Dragon

Long-haired freaky people need not apply


Corporations are not your friends

While I was writing something else, I somehow remembered something, so I’m leaving it below.

Fuck Tinder and all the dating apps. They are not made to make you meet people, they’re made to line up the pockets of greedy corporate execs who are taking advantage of lonely people with false promises and psychologist-researched gamification techniques.

Alphabet, Apple, Meta, and all the others are the same. Obedience and loyalty is not friendship. Corporations only want your money.

Fuck Google

Google announced that starting in June 2024, ad blockers such as uBlock Origin will be disabled in Chrome 127 and later with the rollout of Manifest V3.

This means basically enabling DRM for websites. If Edge jumps on this bandwagon, the Internet as we know it will cease to exist. I’ve already written about this and people everywhere on the Internet wrote about how this is deceitful and harmful to privacy, but cash is king.

Thankfully, my website is made for people, not for robots and I will never enforce shit like this, so you won’t have the need to use any kind of ad blocker or tracking blocker. (But it’s fine and encouraged if you don’t trust me and keep it on the safe side)

The Internet is not owned by the collective mind, but by the big corporations. And they’re hand-in-hand with the control organisms that should prevent this kind of monopolistic behaviour and protect the users. But, once again, cash is king.

Fuck Google.

George Lam - 《敢愛敢做》 (Dare to love and do)

youtube • video ID: HGmTVMZR0hE

click image to load player

微雨中 身邊車輛飛過 街裡路人走過
交通燈崔促過 剩下獨是我跟你

In the light rain, cars flew by and passers-by passed by in the street.
The traffic light passed by, you and I are the only ones left

Autograph on a screenshot

Autograph on a screenshot

Because the vinyl is a bit late because of some manufacturing issues, I wanted to get an autograph from Dan Byron. What better method to do this than have him sign a spotify screenshot using the screenshot markup tool?

We live in a society

We live in a society
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