
Shit warning popups in Facebook Messenger

The popup

This post has been featured on grumpy.website. Thanks, Nikita!



Got a text message saying that something is wrong with my parcel. Ordering a lot of shit, I actually tapped the link and got redirected to a phishing site of Posta Romana (Romanian Post). However, the fact that they used the domain name posta-romana.lol makes it both creative and funny. gg scammers!

99 days

99 days

У меня 99 проблем, но сука не один

Sirotkin, Feduk - Никто не любит быть один

youtube • video ID: EvFpPrgRy7k

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Nobody likes to be alone

Dream home

Dream home



Apple Monitor (model no. G090S), Apple Monitor II, and Commodore DM602 display (Monitor80). Source: A P on flickr.

Early Morning

Early Morning

Apple Macintosh SE with 80SC drive and Apple ADB keyboard and mouse. Source: A P on flickr.

G'huun is dead

G'huun is dead

Thanks to the great guys and gals in my WoW guild, Perplexity the Epic BG community, we nuked G’huun for the first time. For me, it’s a personal achievement, as I’ve been postponing this for three years and a half (Mythic Mythrax got down on July 7th 2020).

Late Night Tale

Late Night Tale

Apple IIe and text written in AppleWriter II. Source: A P on flickr.

The Phantom - Made For This

youtube • video ID: i8yw6F7DiFs

click image to load player

Gonna push it harder
Gonna climb up higher
It’s like I just can’t miss
I was made for this

Good Evening

Good Evening

Commodore Amiga 500, Commodore Amiga 1081 monitor, The Arcade joystick, Hitachi boombox. Source: A P on flickr.

Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning

Macintosh IIsi (M0360) with Macintosh Color Display (M1212), AppleDesign Keyboard (M2980) and MacAlly mouse. Source: A P on flickr.

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