Today a short article appeared in my RSS reader, On featured images in blog posts, written by Manu whose blog is one of the best in my reader.
It linked to an article written by Nelson about AI-Generated Images Discourage Me From Reading Your Blog. I liked the article and I was ready to subscribe to his RSS feed, but when I wanted to leave a short comment, I was dumbstruck to notice that Nelson’s comment system is powered by giscus, a tool which while is open source, relies on github to work.
Look, AI-generated content is shit, and also overbloating articles with useless info is bad, but forcing people to use fucking github in order to comment on something on a personal site is just as bad. Nah, fuck it, it’s even worse. Make your own stuff, especially when you’re calling yourself a developer, or just don’t enable people to comment (like Manu does).
The internet is full of problems, be a solution.