Back in 2007 when I started to work in Bucharest, I started to make a list of the names written on each subway train operated by Metrorex. This has been a list that I’ve spent months compiling, with some fun moments while searching for some specific numbers.

This list has been forgotten in my notes app for years, as I’ve stopped collecting them in 2016 or so, when I got all of them in 2014. Little did I know, but in the last set of trains, made by CAF, there were 8 additional trains that were delivered at a later date.

Their parc numbers are made of 4 digits, in the format XSNN, where:

  • X is 1 or 2 for each end of the train (half-train), both being part of the same train (e.g.: both 1011 and 2011 are the same train, but each covers the three front or back cars)
  • S is the train type number
    • 0 for the first Bombardier set (BM2 - flower names)
    • 1 for the second Bombardier set (BM21 - cities names)
    • 2 for the third set (built by CAF, with rivers names)
  • NN is the serial number of the train (01-99)

Bombardier BM2 Series - Flower Names

  1. Dalia
  2. Narcisa
  3. Camelia
  4. Zambila
  5. Violeta
  6. Margareta
  7. Bujorul
  8. Crizantema
  9. Craita
  10. Crinul
  11. Iasomia
  12. Frezia
  13. Irisul
  14. Nufărul
  15. Nalba
  16. Magnolia
  17. Liliacul
  18. Gladiola

Bombardier BM21 Series - Cities Names

  1. Europa
  2. Bucuresti
  3. Stockholm
  4. Berlin
  5. Londra
  6. Paris
  7. Roma
  8. Madrid
  9. Luxemburg
  10. Bruxelles
  11. Viena
  12. Atena
  13. Copenhaga
  14. Budapesta
  15. Praga
  16. Varsovia
  17. Haga
  18. Helsinki
  19. Lisabona
  20. Bratislava
  21. Dublin
  22. Nicosia
  23. Talin
  24. Riga
  25. Vilnius
  26. Sofia

CAF BM3 Series - Rivers Names

  1. Dunarea
  2. Mures
  3. Prut
  4. Olt
  5. Ialomita
  6. Somes
  7. Siret
  8. Arges
  9. Jiu
  10. Buzau
  11. Dambovita
  12. Bega
  13. Tisa
  14. Prahova
  15. Bistrita
  16. Suceava

When I was last week in Bucharest, I had the occasion to spot 1124-2124 Casimcea. I had no idea that there were more than 16 CAF trains, and while doing a bit of research, I found out that eight more trains were ordered after I finished spotting and noting the initial set of 16, so here are their names.

  1. Trotus
  2. Aries
  3. Cibin
  4. Tismana
  5. Nera
  6. Putna
  7. Cerna
  8. Casimcea

Train 1122-2122 Putna is no longer working as it flew through the depot, check the photos below.

While checking if there’s anyone else who was as mad as me to check these, I discovered some really nice guys that made a wikia page, which I definitely recommend taking a look at.