:smokestories: tagged me. damn liceeni, n-aveti ce face :)

It goes like this

  • Post these rules
  • You have to write 8 random facts about yourself
  • Post a journal with this tag
  • Tag 8 more victims
  • Contact them and tell them they have been tagged
  1. 25% Greek
  2. COMA fan
  3. I miss nessu’ “doo cu patru”
  4. Photoshop imi este cea mai apropiata entitate in ultima vreme
  5. i alternate my moods… in extreme ways
  6. imi place sa ma bucur de micile bucurii ale vietii, mai ales cand au 7 frunze
  7. i looooooooooooove snoopy
  8. am o mana de oameni in jur, care inseamna TOTUL pentru mine.