youtube • video ID: t5uVlHonDdU

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This cartoon/anime was a weird one. It had futuristic robots, weapons, and vehicles in a wild west setting. The Star Sheriffs was also a strange blend of characters types. Saber was the leader spoke with a british accent and carried a sword instead of a gun. Colt was the typical cowboy type complete with accent and layed back attitude (and his own theme song). April was the female member who was skilled with computers, and Fire-Ball was the race car driver who had a quick temper. The Sheriffs main enemies were called Vipers and they came from another dimension. When the Vipers got shot they didn’t die, they were transported back to their dimension. That was something I didn’t like about this cartoon/anime. The Vipers should die when they get shot and to allow them to keep coming back again is pretty lame especially for an anime cartoon. (sursa: IMDb)