Great Union Day (Romanian: Ziua Marii Uniri, also called Unification Day or National Day) is a national holiday in Romania, celebrated on 1 December, marking the unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina with the Romanian Kingdom in 1918, something that is known as the Great Union.

To mark this event, I’ve decided to write about 30 of the best albums that I’ve featured in my records section of the site over the years. This is not a top and it’s definitely incomplete, with many great albums (even masterpieces) not making the short list. I’ve also tried (and barely managed) to show only one album from each artist, but feel free to dig deeper into the discography of any of these and you won’t be disappointed. There are also some good albums and great artists missing from the list, but that’s because I thought late of this article and could feature only albums released on vinyl. Maybe next year I’ll dive into my CD collection, but I doubt I’ll be able to keep it below 30 albums. Lucky if I’ll keep it below 100.

The classics

These albums don’t need any introduction. Written, performed and recorded by well-renown artists who made a big mark in the Romanian music industry. They are the best from their respective artists, although in some situations it was a bit hard to pick only one.

Nicu AlifantisPiața Romană Nr. 9

1988 - LP

Alexandru AndrieșVreme Rea

2000 - LP

Mircea BaniciuTristeți Provinciale

1981 - LP, Signed

CargoPovestiri Din Gară

1993, Reissue, Yellow Cover - LP

Celelalte CuvinteCelelalte Cuvinte

1987 - LP, Signed

Direcția 5Seducție

1993 - LP

Fanfare CiocărliaBest Of Gypsy Brass

2009 - LP

Rodion G.A.Rozalia

2018 - LP, Signed

Sarmalele ReciȚara Te Vrea Prost

1995 (2021 Re-release) - LP, Signed

Victor SocaciuCăruța cu Flori

1981 - LP

Valeriu SterianAntirăzboinică

1979 - LP


1984 - LP

Timpuri NoiTimpuri Noi

1992 - LP, Signed

Mircea VintilăPeripeții Noi

1984 - LP, Signed

The contemporary

These are not classics yet because they didn’t cross the 30 year mark since their debut (or they are very close to it). These are brilliant artists, with countless albums, concerts and great accomplishments behind them. Spliced between them, there are also some artists who are either in the early stages of their career, or have a lot of experience and got together under new names, but with the same level of awesome quality.


2004 - LP


2023 - 2xLP

Got this signed by Dan Byron and Sergiu Mitrofan at the latest Byron Duo concert.

ChelooSindromul Tourette

2003 - LP, Limited Edition, Numbered. 244/500


2016 - LP, Signed

Dora GaitanoviciDescântec

2023 - LP // CD, Signed


2021 - 2xLP, White, Limited Edition

Grasu XXLDrumul Spre Succes

LP, Picture - 2016


2019 - LP

IordacheGarden Beast

- LP, Limited Edition: 100

K Not KSoundtrack for a Game of Chess

2015 - LP, Limited Edition, 25 handnumbered copies Silk-screen printed cover 02/25

Karpov Not Kasparov now named as “K not K”

Luna AmarăAproape

2016 (2023 Re-release) - LP

Alina ManoleLive Session 2020

2020 - LP + CD, Signed

The Mono JacksUșor Distorsionat

2017 - Vinyl

Om La LunăÎn caz de om la lună, strigați "om la lună stânga/dreapta", după caz

2021 (2023 Re-release) - 2xLP, Limited Edition, Signed

Omul Cu Șobolani20 De Ani - OCS2.0

2017 - 2xLP, Gatefold

PaulinaPrin Lume

2022 - LP

Robin And The BackstabbersBacovia Overdrive vol III: Vladivostok

2019 (2022 Re-release) - LP, Silver

ȚapinariiFericirea e un lucru mărunt

2021 (2023 Re-issue) - LP, Green, Limited Edition, Numbered, 393/500, Re-issue

The quirks

No list would be complete without a bonus or an encore, and I’ve decided to add here two of my favourite discs, one is a recording of my favourite poet reciting his poems, the other is my favourite kids’ story.

Antoine de Saint-ExupéryMicul Prinț

1971 / 1984 - 10" / LP

Nichita StănescuO Recitare

1981 - LP

This post is a part of Agora Road’s Travelogue for the month of December, an effort to promote blogging.