… or how I pimped my 2013 Retina MacBook Pro

Bought in 2013, this MacBook Pro has been my trusty companion for over 10 years. Many trips, moving from abroad back home, moving from a town to another, this beast of a computer has always been by my side. I could write a ton of posts about this model, but I want to speak instead about this particular unit.

Almost maxed out, with an i7 processor and 16GB of RAM, sporting a 2GB dedicated video card (nVidia even!) and 512GB of storage, this laptop was a powerbeast. For countless years it ate and chewed and churned any task I threw at it, regardless of how complex or complicated it was. But at some point, the technological progress made this not obsolete, but definitely a bit slow. Keep in mind, these specs are still beyond some of the entry-level laptops, so this is one of the greatest things about this. In 2023, it still is very usable. I work on it, I surf the web on it, I play some older games on it. It handles Windows 7 virtual machines like a champ. The only thing where it starts to violently spin its fans is when a browser tabs tries to load a javascript frameworks-based website, because some retarded developer thought that you need 184MB of Javascript to make a parallax effect on an image in the footer. Seriously, those are cancer. 1080p/1440p video playback is not an issue and the battery still holds decent charge, because I changed it a few years ago and has only 133 cycles.

It’s not my main machine anymore, as I used to keep it in clamshell mode behind the screens, except for when I was travelling, it still is my main “on the road” computer, because it’s still actual in 2023 and still performs just fine most of the tasks I give it (pretty much everything, except 4K iMovie rendering which is slooooow).

The best part of it was when I start to customize my lid with stickers. It all started with an Alternosfera sticker, then soon many others followed, some from friends, others from artists, some from friends who are also artists. Here’s a list of them, in a random order (might go top-left to bottom-right), along with some source or comment.

PS: Because this laptop was so great, when Apple decided back in 2015 to literally kill I/O connectivity, I bought a second unit identical in specs for about a third of the price of the original one. But we’ll speak about that some other time.

Ceva Marunt - Vaca
cevamarunt.ro sticker pack
Parov Stelar - Demon Diaries
came with record
gift from my niece
E mare – Nu-i chiar asa mare
cevamarunt.ro sticker pack
Minion 2
gift from my niece
gift from Silvia
came with record
Rabbit on a Bike
gift from Silvia
Om La Luna
came with record
cute barista named Alexandra in Gara de Nord
finest ego
hvv.de sticker pack
Kinder egg surprise
The Kryptonite Sparks
from the band
Zen Raccoon
Chillhop sticker pack
Gary the Snail
gift from my niece
Rafinaria La Prezent
taken at the event
LateNightTales - Bonobo
came with record
Chillhop Raccoon
Chillhop sticker pack
Smiley face
Deliric x Silent Strike II
Mondo Eye
Mondotees.com sticker pack
From a concert
Kinder egg surprise
My current glasses
Black Mirror - San Junipero
came with record
Central Perk Coffee
gift from Patricia
Rupe-le Capu’ Gogule
from Andreea at some comics fair
their shop
From a concert
From a concert
hhv.de sticker pack
cevamarunt.ro sticker pack
Monster Energy Drink
don’t remember
Click to see all items as a list
Title Comments
Ceva Marunt - Vaca cevamarunt.ro sticker pack
Parov Stelar - Demon Diaries came with record
Minion gift from my niece
E mare – Nu-i chiar asa mare cevamarunt.ro sticker pack
Minion 2 gift from my niece
Schwarzwald gift from Silvia
LateNightTales came with record
Rabbit on a Bike gift from Silvia
Om La Luna came with record
Starbucks cute barista named Alexandra in Gara de Nord
finest ego hvv.de sticker pack
Luigi Kinder egg surprise
The Kryptonite Sparks from the band
Zen Raccoon Chillhop sticker pack
Gary the Snail gift from my niece
Rafinaria La Prezent taken at the event
LateNightTales - Bonobo came with record
Chillhop Raccoon Chillhop sticker pack
Smiley face Deliric x Silent Strike II
Mondo Eye Mondotees.com sticker pack
Alternosfera From a concert
Mario Kinder egg surprise
Carrera My current glasses
Black Mirror - San Junipero came with record
Central Perk Coffee gift from Patricia
Rupe-le Capu’ Gogule from Andreea at some comics fair
Rammstein their shop
Maru From a concert
Coma From a concert
hhv hhv.de sticker pack
Toma cevamarunt.ro sticker pack
Monster Energy Drink don’t remember

Because I promised Aaron, below you can find a photo of my other laptop’s lid.

Also, there’s a follow-up on how I made the image map shortcode.

This post was part of Agora Road Travelogue for the month of September.