Already spoken a bit about IndieWeb Carnival in my Introduction article, so I’ll just cut to the chase, because time is precious.
Choosing a theme was pretty hard, because my lack of confidence kept whispering me “this is boring, no one will write about this, they might skip it together”. The pressure is pretty big, because the previous hosts all featured interesting themes. I mean just look at the last month’s Carnival, hosted by Juha-Matti Santala with the theme Creative Environments.
So without further ado, the theme I chose for this month’s carnival is DIY - Something from (Almost) Nothing. The term is very loosely defined here because I want to inspire people not only to write, but also to create, to build, to transform.
- Post in whatever language you want! I like it when people break the English barrier. It’s healthy. English is preferred though, because things might get lost in translation, but you’re writing for your audience, not for mine. Also, translators exist.
- If writing is not your thing, use whichever format suits you, but please either self-host or use an indie platform to publish. Youtube deletes shit as they please.
- In order to participate, send a webmention of your article to this post, or send me an email at
with the subjectIndieWeb Carnival
or something like it and I will reply to you to confirm your submission. I will allow 1-2 days after the deadline of June 30th for submissions. - I will publish another post a few days after the deadline to round up all the participants, along with my opinions.
Create something either using a skill you already have (leather working, woodworking, coding, painting, cooking, gardening). Instead of going to the store and buying something that supports the consumerist world we live in, make something from scratch that makes your life a little bit better. If it helps one more person, even better.
Build a fence, write a plugin for your IDE, show us your crochet skillz, share with us your grandmother’s jam recipe, CAD some Spongebob Squarepants sandcastle templates or show us that cool automation you made that emails you when your dog’s bowl is empty.

Submissions (Work in Progress)
Below is a list of submissions, in the order I’ve discovered them or were sent to me. I promise by the end of the month to read them all and give my opinion on them in a separate round up post:
- Something From (Almost) Nothing at Tangible Life
- Six De-Grease of Kevin Bacon at 💕 Devastatia 💕
- Creating Something by Westley Winks
- do it myself at jess is typing
- Crafting tabletop games by Juha-Matti Santala
- Dopust by Sara Jakša, written in Slovenian 🇸🇮.
- Ink and Quill at James’ Coffee Blog
- Receiving webmentions from (almost) nothing by Fabian Holzer
- Space News to look forward to by Johanna
- Something from nothing is no fairy tale at Writing Slowly
- Making and Mending at ribose
- Nothing at The web site of jabberwockie
- My sketch- and notepad by Bob van Vliet
- Why I try to do it myself by Amelia Syreth
- Something from Almost Nothing, or, There and Back Again on
- Making A Vinyl Record Wall by Andrei