What is IndieWeb?
If you’ve never heard of IndieWeb, it’s because they don’t have the multi-billion marketing budget of Meta or Alphabet. It is a community of people that use their personal sites as an alternative to the “corporate web”. Its members are spread all over the world and connected not only by the goals of owning their content, but also technically, by open standards.
What is the IndieWeb Carnival?
Born in June 2023, the IndieWeb Carnival started as a way to help motivating people to write more on their websites. More detailed can be found on the IndieWeb Carnival page https://indieweb.org/indieweb-carnival, including the entire list of themes and hosts.
The main idea is that the carnival moves every month to a new place, its host, who decides the theme of the month and tries to inspire others to write about it.
It’s a really fun activity to do, because it’s not pressuring, having an entire month to write an article, and it also nudges you into a theme. Some other hosts even went the extra mile of sharing some questions to help the people through the challenge. Also there’s always the added difficulty of having to write about things that are not in your comfort zone.
There have been some really great themes so far, and I’m happy and proud to be able to host the Carnival for the month of June. Stay tuned!

What posts did I write for the Carnival so far?
I’ve participated in every carnival since February 2024 was hosted by Manuel Moreale, and the topic was “Digital relationships”. My entry was One Degree of Kevin Bacon ▸ Digital Relationships in the 21st Century followed up by the post-cataclysmic Zero Degrees of Kevin Bacon ▸ Digital Relationships Addendum.
In March 2024, hosted by orchids, I wrote about accessibility in Being an Inclusive Being in 2024, an article that initially began about the web accessibility and ended on the note of how to make the web better in general.
In April, Aaron Leonard, one of my favourite AgoraForum travellers proposed the theme , to which I responded with The World is Good Enough, a post about applying the Pareto principle to real life.
May was the month where Juha-Matti Santala challenged us with the topic “Creative Environments”, the perfect inspiration for me to write about the The Creative Space Inside, a short summary of what boosts my creativity and what things I consider important in a creative environment.
In the month of June it will be my turn to host, so stay tuned until June 1st!