I discovered • B A I E T I I •
back in 2018 in Expirat, at SupportYourLocalBands Music Festival. It was a nice event, where legends Suie Paparude were opening acts for smaller, lesser-known bands. The “headliners” were two bands that I never heard about, and that I’ve only listened a bit before the concert: Alex & The Fat Penguins (which I’ll write about soon), and Am Fost La Munte Si Mi-a Placut.
First of all, I’ve never been a big post rock fan, I’ve never listened to Mogwai, Slint, Tortoise, Explosions in the Sky, (at least these bands show up when i google “post rock”) and I’ve only listened to a few Sigur Rós albums now and then. So you can understand why I went “HOLY SHIT, THESE GUYS ROCK!” when I first heard them.

The band members themselves are a bunch of super funny and cool dudes, and their awesomeness is surpassed only by their musical talent, just as their crazy song and album titles are surpassed only by the insanely good music inside.
Some time passed, some other concerts came and went, some albums were released, a live festival album was released, and now they’re back with a new banger. A fresh studio album, with the help of a fifth band member, and they have to say this about “Downhill”:
Our hope is that three years were enough for us to write an album that is in all ways superior to La Deal.
My opinion? I think it’s a fucking masterpiece. Their best album yet.
Speaking earlier of their titles, they are both crazy and funny, usually based on local memes or jokes. This says a lot for a band where the lyrics don’t exist for the most part, and they’ve done a beautiful mess out of them, just check them below: (psst, the album titles link towards their bandcamp pages, check them out):
- Susurul Râurilor Care Curg În Jos, Sau În Sus, Depinde Cum Te Uiți (The Whisper of the Rivers Flowing Down, or Up, Depends on How You Look)
- Puteam Să Fiu În Control Acum (I Could Be At Control Now)
- Pavel Puiuț Și Birocrația (Pavel Puiuț and the Bureaucracy)
- S-a Rezolvat. Nu Se Poate. (It ’s solved. It’s not possible.)
- Nu Faci Dumneata Ordine la Mine în Birou (You Don’t Make Order In My Office)
- Unde Erai în 1995? (Where Were You In 1995?)
- La Deal (Uphill)
- Am Adus Băutură, Fetelor (I/We* Brought Drinks, Girls)
- Vedeți Că Asta E Lungă (Watch Out, This Is A Long One)
- La Vale (Downhill)
- Ne Cerem Scuze Pentru Disconfortul Creat (We Apologize For The Inconvenience)
- Nu Mai Comandăm De La Ăștia (We’re Not Ordering From These Anymore)
Oh, and another piece of awesome trivia: on their first full-length album, S-a Rezolvat. Nu Se Poate., they worked with the woman that voiced the Bucharest underground/metro trains announcements. I think it’s the most out-of-the-box featuring I’ve ever seen on a Romanian album.
Visit them on Spotify or bandcamp, or search them on Youtube. Also be sure to hit them on Facebook or Instagram
Until then, I’ll leave below four of my favourites:
Susurul Raurilor (feat Robert Cotoros)
Unde Erai In 1995?
Am Adus Băutură, Fetelor
Ne Cerem Scuze Pentru Disconfortul Creat