This is a short “he/they/zir/sur/mil/moi” rant that might upset some snowflakes. If the post below triggers or offends you, then you shouldn’t have been here in the first place.

While I was doing some research for a future post, I found myself on some really strange websites.

I’m all for being inclusive in the 21st century, but if their pronouns are literally the first thing a person has to say about themselves on their website right after their name, I get a bit of my coffee regurgitated in my mouth and I feel the unstoppable urge to close the page.

My man/girl/zir/xur/attack helicopter, I might care about what you have to say, even share your opinion on some matters. Hell, I might even fight for the things you believe in. But I will never give a flying fuck about what is or is not between your fucking legs. You’re more than a gender fight for the sake of virtue signalling. You’re a person with dreams, opinion, knowledge and advice, that’s what makes you interesting, not a fucking label that you decide to wear and that no one really asked about. Stop getting advice from dumb people on the Internet

No, this is now how you start a conversation.
No, this is now how you start a conversation.

Want to be an inclusive person? Then don’t exclude yourself by being unnecessarily political.