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Collections > -- Skybox Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame 1996

Skybox Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame 1996

2023-12-27 · 141 words · 1 min read
A comprehensive collection brought to you by Skybox USA, designed exclusively for the hit cartoon The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, released by Disney.
Collections > -- Rittenhouse Archives Star Trek Picard Season 1 Trading Card Collection

Rittenhouse Archives Star Trek Picard Season 1 Trading Card Collection

2023-12-26 · 99 words · 1 min read
The Complete Voyager Adventure: A comprehensive album brought to you by Skybox USA, designed exclusively for the hit TV series Star Trek Voyager.
Music Roundup > -- Good Music Discovered in 2023

Music Roundup
Good Music Discovered in 2023

2023-12-21 · 1946 words · 4 mins read
This is just random good music that I happened to discover in 2022 but wasn’t released in 2023. The the order is pretty random. If you want music that’s released in 2023, check this article
Music Roundup > -- Best Music of 2023

Music Roundup
Best Music of 2023

2023-12-21 · 1269 words · 3 mins read
This is just random good music that was released in 2023. The order is pretty random, but my personal best of 2023 is at the end. If you want music that’s released in other years, check this article
2023 Birthday Present > -- Never Grow Up

2023 Birthday Present
Never Grow Up

2023-12-20 · 88 words · 1 min read
Got a this little present/puzzle from a dear friend of mine. Thank you very much!
Lottery Is A Scam: Lotto Simulator Written in PHP

Lottery Is A Scam: Lotto Simulator Written in PHP

2023-12-15 · 1329 words · 7 mins read

“I think of lotteries as a tax on the mathematically challenged,” — Roger Jones

Site Update > -- December 2023

Site Update
December 2023

2023-12-11 · 324 words · 2 mins read

“Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.”Edsger W. Dijkstra

World of Warcraft > -- Part Six: Thanks for the Carry!

World of Warcraft
Part Six: Thanks for the Carry!

2023-12-07 · 1358 words · 7 mins read

In the corners of Azeroth, stories are told of a dreaded dragon who swept a pall of torment over the land. In some versions of this story, his fiery presence brought cataclysmic death and destruction worldwide. In other versions, he is blue.

Music Roundup > -- Great Romanian Albums

Music Roundup
Great Romanian Albums

2023-12-01 · 726 words · 4 mins read
Romanian Movie Photo Gallery > -- Brigada Diverse (1970)

Romanian Movie Photo Gallery
Brigada Diverse (1970)

2023-11-16 · 233 words · 2 mins read

Brigada Diverse (Miscellaneous Crimes) is a series of three Romanian films directed by Mircea Drăgan based on scripts by Nicolae Țic. He wrote the script for 11 full-featured films, but in the end only three films were made.

Romanian Movie Photo Gallery > -- Angela Merge Mai Departe (1981)

Romanian Movie Photo Gallery
Angela Merge Mai Departe (1981)

2023-11-13 · 413 words · 2 mins read

Separated from an alcoholic and violent husband, a taxi driver leads a mundane existence, whose few events are related to the relationship with the people who get into her car, as customers. At one point, she meets Gyuri, an oil worker, who came to Bucharest for training. The two get married, although the man is going to go to India for three years to work and Angela cannot follow him.

Dev Tales > -- New Server Growing Pains

Dev Tales
New Server Growing Pains

2023-11-03 · 1399 words · 7 mins read
I had to move one of my customer’s websites to a new server, because the old one was… well… pretty old, and didn’t support PHP 8. As it’s usually the situation with all the big hosting services, they don’t give a crap about you, so you’ll have to make the migration yourself. And that’s how it all started…
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