In this action-packed comedy, Nicolas Cage plays Nick Cage, channeling his iconic characters as he’s caught between a superfan (Pedro Pascal) and a CIA agent (Tiffany Haddish).

Such a meta movie, Nicolas Cage plays pretty much himself. If you’ve been tired about the plethora of B-movie in which he played in the last years, this is such a huge breath of fresh air. It’s funny, it’s energetic, it zips along, there isn’t a single dull moment here, you don’t need to be a fan or a critic, this movie is just really worth your time, there’s a ton of great acting for the worst possible scenes ever. I honestly think this is one of the best movies he’s ever made. It’s nice to see him back. Not like he went anywhere. Five popcorns.


Nicolas Cage thought Javi was the best written character in the movie, so much so he even asked to trade parts, as he thought playing his own biggest fan was more meta than playing himself. It wasn’t until Pedro Pascal was cast that Cage eventually relented.

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