Ruxx is a modern drama about relationships and the young generation in Romania, living in a country caught between the past and the future. The series focuses on the titular character, Rux (Raluca Aprodu), who tries to balance her demanding career, working for a large real estate developer in Bucharest, with the other priorities in her life: financially supporting her family and having a long-distance relationship. Rux tries to leave Romania and go to Los Angeles, but life has other plans for her and she is drawn into her boss’s biggest project: his wife’s election campaign for mayor of Bucharest.

The series’ writing is not that good, with half-Romanian half-English dialogue, poor and inconsistent decisions. This feels like a corporate made TV show. The acting is fairly decent, but what is actually good about this show is the soundtrack. A ton of great songs from Romanian artists, which makes this show be a 3 popcorn instead of one, and you can find it on a Spotify playlist.

Maybe the fact that it ended after one season is not that bad, after all.

🍿 🍿 🍿 / 5

youtube • video ID: pF9DO39aHn4

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