“Rams’ is the new documentary by filmmaker Gary Hustwit (Helvetica) about legendary designer Dieter Rams. For over fifty years, Rams has left an indelible mark on the field of product design with his iconic work at Braun and Vitsoe, and his influence on Apple. “Rams” is a design documentary, but it’s also a rumination on consumerism, materialism, and sustainability. Dieter’s philosophy is about more than just design, it’s about a way to live. The film also features an original score by pioneering musician Brian Eno.

Excellent documentary about Jony Ive Dieter Rams. Definitely watch it. Five popcorns and jumps into the Movie Vault. If you want to see it, support the filmmakers.

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youtube • video ID: AZU5xP5lNHk

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