A genius architect is losing both professionally and when it comes to matters of the heart. A film about internal turmoils surfacing, about freedom of thought and action, originality, non-conformism and everything that opposes these things.

Directed masterfully by Mircea Saucan and written by Horia Lovinescu, it brings together on the set Margareta Pogonat, Mihai Paladescu and Dan Nutu, as well as Anna Szeles and Ernest Maftei. Great new age movie, even better than Goddard

Nimic nu e mai groaznic pentru un om decât să creadă că tot ce face el e grozav și tot ce e rău vine de la alții.

Nothing is more terrible for a person than to believe that everything they do is great and all that is bad comes from others.

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youtube • video ID: S5glfuFJgp8

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