During the war in Afghanistan, a local interpreter risks his own life to carry an injured sergeant across miles of grueling terrain.

I love most of Guy Ritchie’s movies. If you do the same, then this is not for you. The pacing is good and the tension is there, but this is a war movie, not a Guy Ritchie movie. Jake Gyllenghahahghenaghaal is pretty decent, but that’s where it ends for me. The first act is fine, the second one seems to drag endlessly in the desert and it made me lose my interest. I skimmed a bit through it and after the middle it get again a bit interesting, but still falls just as flat as the US campaign’s defeat in Afghanistan. If you like war movies like Argo, The Hurt Locker and Jarhead, this movie is for you. If you want to see it because you liked Sherlock Holmes, Lock, Stock or Sherlock Holmes, then just go re-watch Snatch. Two popcorns.

🍿 🍿 / 5

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