Seventh season of Drive To Survive covering the 2024 Formula One Championship season. It’s got drama, fake drama, more drama, Claire Williams back again, no more Danica Patrick, some drama, some heartwarming moments between some drivers. They somehow made me warm up a bit towards George Russell and care for him a bit more. As always, the show is not something extremely nice, but I like some Formula 1 “B-rolls”, especially with the drivers and teams outside of the circuit, although I’m getting tired of Will Buxton trying to act, he’s getting annoying and making a meme out of himself, and it’s bad, because he’s actually a really good journalist, if you’ve seen the F1TV pre-race and post-race shows.

Twenty twenty …long dramatic pause… five — Will Buxton.

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youtube • video ID: 8cQZlovbS-o

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