This season follows the lives of a couple, Ray Stussy (Ewan McGregor) and Nikki Swango (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), who, after unsuccessfully trying to rob Ray’s wealthy older brother Emmit (also played by McGregor), become involved in a double murder case. One of the victims is an old man with a mysterious past whose stepdaughter, Gloria Burgle (Carrie Coon), is a policewoman. Meanwhile, Emmit tries to cut his ties with a shady organization he borrowed money from a year before, but the company, represented by V. M. Varga (David Thewlis) has other plans.

The third season brings a bleak and dark story which is acted perfectly by Ewan McGregor and the others and it’s close to a masterpiece. Definitely seven popcorns as well.

🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 / 5

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