This season is a prequel to the events in its first season. In season two of Fargo, it takes place in March 1979. It is about the lives of a young couple—Peggy (Dunst) and Ed Blumquist (Plemons) as they try to cover up the hit and run and homicide of Rye Gerhardt. Ray is part of the Gerhardt crime family.

During this time, Minnesota state trooper Lou Solverson (Wilson), and Rock County sheriff Hank Larsson (Danson), investigate three homicides linked to Rye.

The second season brings a new story in the same space and connected to the previous one through Lou Solverson. The writing is just as good, it has its gore moments as well as its funny moments. I love Nick Offerman playing a crazy, but crazy good lawyer, and I also loved the personal empowerment speeches from Kirsten Dunst where she has aspiration and dreams of being an actualized woman, ignoring the reality that the fucking Mafia is out to get them.

Easy seven popcorns for a second season that didn’t disappoint.

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