In 2030 Milan, an undercover agent for the global spy agency Citadel is trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in the powerful enemy syndicate Manticore.

Diana Cavalieri (Matilda De Angelis), an undercover Citadel agent, is trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When she finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear forever, the only way to do so is trusting the most unexpected ally, Edo Zani (Lorenzo Cervasio), the heir of Manticore Italy and son of the head of the Italian organization, Ettore Zani (Maurizio Lombardi), who’s vying for leadership against the other European families. Based on the original TV Series, Citadel (which I will start after this one), it’s a fairly common futuristic spy agency tv series. Think Nikita (the TV series with Peta Wilson, from the 90s), but with better effects and similar kind of conspiracies. Four popcorns for a really nice watch. Also, it’s in Italian 🤌

In other news, what the fuck is with all these futuristic movies having characters with fucked up hairstyles?

🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 / 5

youtube • video ID: S7AErSAxxJ8

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