The Black Dynamite animated series further chronicles the exploits of the central character, Black Dynamite and his crew. Action comedy-spoof that follows ex-C.I.A. Agent and full-time ladies man, Black Dynamite, who’s out to avenge the death of his brother against kung-fu masters, drug-dealing pimps, and The Man.
After the great success of the 70s blaxploitation satire movie, Michael Jai White, Byron Minns, Kym Whitley and Tommy Davidson reprise their roles as Black Dynamite, Bullhorn, Honey Bee and Cream Corn respectively.
The series follows the movie in style, wiht over-the-top violence, sexual and adult jokes, great music and awesome (voice) acting. There are 19 episodes divided in two seasons, so you can watch this in one night. It’s that good and that funny.
Six popcorns and it goes into the Movie Vault.