The movie starts with a display of force, alternating documentary-like interviews with reading room shots, with episode snippets. While it seems like it’s all over the place, it is very entertaining and catchy. You meet the most important characters right away, you get struck by some very well-positioned jokes (OMGJKSimmons!) and without blinking you realized you’ve seen 20 minutes of the movie without breathing. The story, the acting, the music, the jokes, the close-ups, the cinematography, everything is stellar. Nicole is brilliant, Javier is great, I feel insulted that this movie hasn’t got a nomination for Best Picture, because in my opinion, it’s above most of the others I’ve seen, and one of the best comedies of the last few years. Six popcorns.

🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 / 5

youtube • video ID: WvrjCdtB0zM

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