Abigail’s town has been closed for years due to a mysterious epidemic that caused most people in town to be taken away, including Abigail’s father. When Abby discovers her father could still be alive, she sets out on a journey that completely overturns everything she thought she knew about the world, her family, and herself.

Directed by Aleksandr Boguslavskiy, this is a brilliant little movie. With good acting from Eddie Marsan and Tinatin Dalakishvili, the movie takes us to a steampunk dystopian world, similar to Europe’s 1930s. It seems that it was filmed in English and (maybe because of accents) was re-dubbedd, and many people found that distracting and bad. However, the only source I was able to find this movie had Russian dubbing, which was actually good. The technical part is spotless, there are a lot of flashy and well made special effects, with a lot of good CGI. All in all, this is a good fantasy flick, greatly blending magic and storytelling, akin to Harry Potter and Hugo. Six popcorns and jumps into the Movie Vault.

🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 / 5

youtube • video ID: -P9TjzQjUYE

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