This is my website. Innovated, reinvented, updated, optimized, expanded and diversified, containing good wishes and/or mother swearing. You can find curses, blasphemies, intricate plots meant to overthrow the world order, wedding preparations, but most importantly, mint rubbing. If you’re fine with that, keep on reading, and maybe subscribe to the RSS feed. If not, fuck off.

Part-time dreamer and full-time web designer, always listening the music or the voices.

is how I used to describe myself about ten years ago. Some years have passed since then and I don’t think the term “designer” applies to me that much anymore. I’m still designing stuff now and then, but I’m mostly developing things using the old web. I love using HTML, CSS, Javascript and all the old web tools. Fuck nodeJS, Vue, or whatever fucking JS framework is the fad for four hours today. I’m a builder, not a yaml editor. Also I may or may not be Batman.

But enough about work, I don’t want to sell you anything, nor I am not begging for a coffee. Let me tell you a bit about me. I’m a big consumer. I consume almost everything and post about a lot of shit: movies and shows, music, music, music, music, sometimes even live music, gadgets, memes, news, food and sometimes opinions and webcomics. When I don’t feel like writing a full post about something (mostly because I’m lazy or it’s just an idea, I post a quickie. Think of these as a twitter feed or social network wall. I also like a lot my desk and the stuff I use daily.

When I’m not writing or spinning a record, I sometimes work on dumb useless shit:,, counties, make very silly stats and lists, or play World of Warcraft or some other games.

If you feel social, there are quite a few places where you can find me online:

  • email: a [at]
  • ~~Agora Road’s Macintosh Cafe - lost interest
  • facebook - Made completely private in 2023
  • twitter - Deleted in 2016
  • reddit - Deleted in 2023
  • quora - Deleted in 2018
  • wikipedia - Deleted in 2023
  • pinterest - Deleted in 2016
  • freenode on irc - Left in 2021
  • all other networks on irc - Left in 2023
  • flickr - Left in 2012, deleted in 2023
  • deviantart - Left in 2012, deleted in 2023

If you want to link towards my site, there’s a banner in 240x60 or 88x31 format below.

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

Thank you for reading my site.